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'Der Kaiser' Austro-Hungarian Emperor Karl

End user price: 14.00

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Code: KUK-35002Name: 'Der Kaiser' Austro-Hungarian Emperor Karl Material:resinIn stock
Painted by Olivér Kovács Pictures show painted 54 mm figure


This figure is based on Emperor Karl I. (in Hungary IV.Károly) the last emperor and king of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. (1916-1918) After his reign he made several visits to all fronts where the K.U.K army fought, which visits were richly documented by photographers. The Emperor wore different uniforms and medals during his visits. This particular figure represent him in field gray uniform with a rank of Feldmarschall, Officer’s cap, and trousers with scarlet red general’s stripes. The figure is available in all popular scales of 1/32 (54 mm), 1/35, 1/48, 1/72. We recommend the marvelous book of Verlag Militaria - Stefan Rest (Editor) The Emperor’s Coat in the First World War which includes thousands of contemporary and up to date pictures of the uniforms of K.U.K. army.
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